Kernel 3.7.4

Today the slave nodes were updated to a custom build of Linux Kernel 3.7.4(Vanilla). The build version is internally known as beowulf-slave-node-v13. Also, the process for managing kernel versions on the TFTP server (iserver2) has been automated to streamline updates and the distribution of new kernels.

The new process is:

build kernel

kernelupdate (/root/utils/kernelupdate) to copy the bzImage to the TFTP directory with the appropriate file name. Kernel update also checks that the config file is not newer than the build kernel. I will post the script when I am happy with it.

dhcp2pxecfg (/root/utils/dhcp2pxecfg) changes all the pxeboot config files to point to the newest (or user inputted) kernel.


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